Friday, February 12, 2010

My favorite things.

I've decided that I'm going to start blogging about my favorite things. I will start it this week! I'm also in the middle of changing just about everything about my blog. Name, design, etc. There will be a lot of change going on in the coming months. It will be slow, but it's a must if I want to move on up in this blogging world and my career in general.   In previous posts, you all know that I love Fashion/Style, Photography, Writing, Design and so many other things. I blog about it all and in 2010, I would really like to MTH (Make Things Happen).  I can't take credit for that motto. All credit goes to Lara Casey, editor of Southern Weddings Magazine and founder of the MTH 2010 Intensive. **I may have some news about this in a a future post. 

Well, that's enough for my exciting Friday evening. Going to finish watching the Olympics opening ceremony!!    In lieu of the 22 inches of snow we received this week....I'm looking at old vacation pics to brighten my winter blues.  This is a photo I took on the rooftop of our hotel in San Juan, PR.
Makes. Me. Happy.

1 comment:

Dana Sipper said...

Such a pretty sunset photo!